Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,401 to 7,420 of 58,959
  1. Selig Pomerantz letter

    Antisemitic letter received in 1926 by Selig Pomerantz, the donor's grandfather, while living in Detroit, MI. The letter, sent by a tenant of Mr. Pomerantz, includes disparaging remarks about Jewish families in the neighborhood. Selig Pomerantz, born 1887 in Poland, was himself a Jewish immigrant from Eastern Europe who had come to the United States in the early twentieth century. Selig settled with his wife Ida and their three children in Detroit, where he was the proprietor of a hardware store.

  2. József Essösy papers

    Collection of documents relating to József Essösy's rescue activities in Hungary. Essösy was recognized as Righteous Among the Nations in 2016.

  3. Odenheimer family papers

    The Odenheimer family papers consist of correspondence, family history and genealogy, immigration files, photographs, and restitution files documenting the history of the Odenheimer family in Odenheim, Germany, Kurt and Ilse Odenheimer’s immigration to the United States in 1939, Marie and Isidor Odenheimer’s deportation to and internment in southern France in October 1940, the deaths of Isidor and Julius Odenheimer in concentration camps, and Marie’s immigration to the United States in 1941. Correspondence primarily consists of letters exchanged between the Odenheimer family in Germany and ...

  4. Selected records from the Panevėžys Branch County Archives in Lithuania related to restitution of Jewish property

    Records of various county agencies (State Notary, County Executive Council, People's Court, etc.) related to the restitution and inheritance of the individual and communal Jewish property located in the Panevėžys County, Lithuania after World War II.

  5. Francisc Pap letter

    Letter written from Francisc Pap of Cluj-Napoca, Romania to Radu Ioanid, dated October 2, 2015. In the letter, Mr. Pap relates his experiences escaping deportation from Cluj and their survival in hiding.

  6. Franka Kampinski collection

    Collection of photographs and a membership card documenting the experiences of Franka Kampinski (donor's mother) during the Holocaust. Photos document friends and family in pre-war and post-war Łódź, as well as in Lenger-Ugol, Kazakhstan during the war; Maccabi Sports Club membership card issued to Franka Kempinski, November 28, 1946, Łódź, Poland.

  7. Prayer book

    Siddur given to Frank Lyons by his maternal uncle Chaim A. Kaplan on the occassion of Frank's Bar Mitzvah on August 20, 1921 in Framingham, MA. Chaim Kaplan came to the United States in May 1921 to visit his siblings residing in the USA and participated in the celebration of the Bar Mitzvah of his nephew Frank, son of Ida Trombly Liansky and Samuel Liansky. The prayerbook was published in Vienna in 1857 by Jos. Schlesinger and is in both Hebrew and English. It has an inscription inside from Chaim Kaplan to Frank Liansky.

  8. Ridnik family photographs

    Collection of photographs of the donor during the war in hiding, including with her mother; also includes photos of her father, who was a prisoner of war in a Stalag in Germany.

  9. Displaced persons camp at Funk Caserne and Dachau; ruins

    01:00:00 Sign: “Funk Caserne, Emigrant Assembly Center, Repatriation Center, Infiltree Center.” Soldier in front of a gate. Signs: “Deutsche Ungaren Rumanen Bulgaren Dürfen das Lager nicht betreten,” and “Übernachtungen von Gasten und Enzelnen durchreisenden im Lager sind nicht erlaubt.” Displaced men, women, children, one carries a funeral wreath. Men and women in uniform smile for camera. WS, ambulances, bombed out buildings in a city (Munich?), piles of rubble next to remains of buildings. A woman in uniform looks at the camera. Man with hat shakes her hand. VAR, several people waiting w...

  10. Quaker relief work in France

    Title card, cut off: “no means clear: problems of immense complexity remain. The wounds go deeper than we often know.” Cars drive around Place Vendome. The Pantheon. “Paris! Spared as few other capitals in Europe. A feast of beauty to the eye, but a cloak that hides the sufferings of France.” Civilians on the streets. Bridges over the Seine. A map of France, highlighting Le Havre, Caen, Montauban, Toulouse, Perpignan, Marseilles, Paris. An incoming train. A sign for Montauban. A bridge over the Tarn River. “Quaker Relief in Montauban is typical of services in many French cities. Undernouris...

  11. Rotman, Rosenblatt and Bialer families collection

    The Rotman, Rosenblatt, and Bialer families collection consists of documents and photographs documenting the experiences of Genia Strasborg Rotman, Arthur Rosenblatt, and David Bialer following their liberation and life in post-war Poland, Sweden, and the United States.

  12. Chaim Posner papers

    The Chaim Posner papers consist of correspondence and notes documenting Chaim Posner, his work as director of the Palästina Amt in Geneva in the 1940s, and his work for the State of Israel in the 1950s and 1960s. Correspondence comes from Basel, Geneva, Istanbul, Jerusalem, and Tel Aviv, and correspondents include several offices of the Palästina Amt, the Jewish Agency for Palestine, Chaim Barlas, Richard Lichtheim, Edgar Salin, and Samuel Scheps. The collection also contains biographical materials including a student registration document for Posner from the University of Basel, Palestine ...

  13. Kurt Bigler papers Nachlass Kurt Bigler (ehem. Kurt Bergheimer) (1925-2007)

    Private papers of Kurt Bigler (1925-2007), a Jewish-German-Swiss pedagogue. The collection consists of his diaries, reports, family history, school and study documents, refugee files, adoption and Swiss citizenship files, restitution records related to his childhood, adoption by Joseph Bergheimer and later Berta Bigler, deportation to internment camps Gurs and Rivesaltes; private correspondence, and official correspondence related to professional activities, as teaching and political involvement in various associations, committees and commissions (e.g. Social Democratic Party of Switzerland...

  14. Babamusta family collection

    Testimonies, photographs, newspaper article, and CD, among other items, documenting the history of the Babamusta family, of Kavaja, Albania, and their role in sheltering and rescuing Jewish refugees from Nazi persecution in Albania in 1943. Includes the essay “Acts of Courage and Heroism” and “The contribution of the Babamusta family in the rescue of 178 Jews in Kavaja, Albania;” photographs, including copy prints of vintage photographs, of the Babamusta family; a print out of an article about Neki Babamusta, from the Albanian newspaper “Sot,” August 2013, along with an English translation ...

  15. Compiled short films by Carl Lutz

    Three short/complied films collected or made by Carl Lutz: Nr. 334 Kurzfilme zu Palästina und der Schweiz [1935 to1956] (01:06:11) Nr. 335 St. Moritz (Wintersport) [ca. 1928] (00:15:06) [videotape only; this film wasn't shot by Carl Lutz] Nr. 336 USA (Washington DC, New York) [1930s] (00:13:38) [videotape made around 1990 - the film version is now missing at source archive] Detailed description of Film Nr. 336: Women sit in reclining chairs on the deck of the Conte di Savoia. A group, mostly children, poses by the ship’s railing and waves. Title card reads: “Wir passieren die Azoreninseln, ...

  16. To you all: Merry Christmas WWII Public Utilities Commission broadside

    Broadside, "Keep Calm/Keep Cool/Jitters Help Hitler" on one side, and "To you all: Merry Christmas" on the other side.

  17. Gertrude Adams Collection

    Contains photographs of the roundup and execution of Poles by Military Field Police Section 581, Einsatzgruppe IV under the command of SS-Brigadefuehrer Lothar Beutel, and the 6th Motorized Police Battalion in Bydgoszcz, Poland. Images show Polish hostages arrested during the "pacification" of Bydgoszcz, Poland before being shot by men with the 6th Motorized Police Battalion, as well as general scenes of the killing site in Bydgoszcz (Bromberg); captioned on verso in German.

  18. Gestapo Brno (B 340)

    Investigative and arrest files as well administrative records of the Gestapo Brno. The investigative and arrest files concern mostly Czech individuals arrested on a variety of charges such as making anti-German remarks, listening to foreign radio broadcasts, sabotage, malingering, anti-social behavior, possession of arms, miscegenation, and other charges. The records also contain documentation pertaining to Gestapo actions against Czech resistance groups and Jews, the disbandment of Czech organizations, the confiscation of properties and assets, and situation reports including from Czech in...

  19. The Oldest People Didn't Jaywalk WWII Public Utilities Commission broadside

    Broadside, "If you Hoard - Make it Bonds!" and "The Oldest People Didn't Jaywalk" on the other side.