Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,381 to 7,400 of 58,959
  1. Benjamin Myerow collection

    Contains photographs taken shortly after the liberation of Dachau, showing the death train.

  2. "Avadim Hayinu"

    Contains a copy of the book "Avadim Hayinu," written in Yiddish, about the happenings in the Auschwitz Death Camp; includes the author's original stencil with handwritten glosses.

  3. Kürti and Vamos family collection

    Contains documents related to the wartime experiences of Susanne Vamos (née Kürti) and her parents, Ilona Kürti (née Fuchs) and Julius Kürti and other family members. Also includes documents from Endre Vamos as well as reparations related papers.

  4. Munich; Degenerate Art exhibition; Koenigsplatz; Deutsches Museum

    "GERMANY" "Lunch at Ettal" Beer hall in Ettal. Locals. The American family sits outdoors at cafe. "Munich" "American Express Co. Bavarians" Shops. People in Bavarian dress gathered outside the American Express store. "The Hofgarten" Outdoor cafe, waiter prepares meal. 01:02:32 "The Exhibition of Degenerated Art" INTs, Degenerate Art exhibit at the Archeological Institute in Munich in 1937 [ENTARTETE KUNST]. Modern artwork, sculptures, and paintings declared by the Nazis to be "degenerate" on gallery walls. Museum visitors. 01:03:34 "Haus der Deutschen Kunst | House of German Art" Building e...

  5. Youth Aliyah and "Tehran Children" photographs

    Consists of 11 photographs documenting the arrival of Jewish children and youths in Palestine who were assisted in fleeing Nazi Europe with help from the Youth Aliyah organization founded by Recha Freier and the Jewish Agency for Palestine. Select photographs depict the arrival of the so-called "Tehran children" who lived as refugees in Iran prior to their immigration to Palestine.

  6. International Worker's Day poster

    Poster for May 1st, on behalf of the Histradrut (General Organization of Jewish Workers in Palestine). Lin. Z. Bergman, "Achdut" printing press, Tel Aviv, 1943. Illustration of red hammer inscribed "1943 1 May" striking and breaking a swastika in flames

  7. Cactus breeding; gymnast; skiing in Grinzing; boy plays with a telephone

    Lizzy-Film Produktion. "Heute Doppelprogramm" “Wochenschau Feber 1931” [Alice Kessler's amateur version of a weekly newsreel.] “Kakteenzucht Ziechentrick” “Sehr schnell waechst hier der Kaktus, die Pflege man verstehen muss.” A series of cactus graphics appear on screen, interspersed with film of live cacti. Cactus breeding. 01:02:05 “5 Minuten Akrobatik” “Ausgefuehrt von Frau Hilde Altmann Gymnastiklehrerin” “Aufgepasst!!” A woman performs a gymnastics routine indoors. 01:03:17 “Grinzing im Schnee” Passers-by carry wooden skis as they walk through the snowy streets of the Austrian city of ...

  8. Blinshteyn family papers

    Correspondence, documents, and photographs related to Semyon and Velya Blinshteyn, and their children Naum, Zhanna, and Fanya, originally of Odessa, Ukraine, and pertaining primarily to the experiences of the Blinshteyn family in the Soviet Union during World War II. Includes poems written by Naum Blinshteyn and correspondence related to Zhanna (Blinshteyn) Berina's search for the grave of her brother Naum, and the placement of a headstone there.

  9. Selected records of the town Skalbmierz Akta miasta Skalbmierza (Sygn. 2219) : Wybrane materialy

    Records concerning registration and control of migration of population in the city Skalbmierz, including a book of the permanent inhabitants of Skalbmierz (File No 261) and notices about their migration. Also includes records relating to Jewish property (1946), and industry matters during WWII (1943).

  10. Association des Israelites Pratiquants. Association of Orthodox Jews Kehillat Haharedim (RG 340)

    Records of the Kehillat Haharedim (Association des Israelites Pratiquants. Association of Orthodox Jews). Consist of correspondence, letters, list of refugees and internees, lists of students, lists of members of Kehillat Haharedim in Paris, bulletin of the organization, financial records, questionnaires, statistical reports, and minutes. Most of records constitute of correspondence with children's homes, internees of camps, rabbis, with the organizations as: the Union générale des israélites de France (UGIF), Hias-Ica Emigration Association (HICEM), World Union OSE (OSE), Federation de ...

  11. Bavarian village; Hitler Youth; Autobahn

    Home in Bavaria. The visiting Americans (the Major Family) and locals dine outdoors. CUs of individuals in the garden. "The Fire Department of Munich rescues a cat" Many specators watch a fireman climbing firetruck ladder to rescue a cat in a tree. 01:14:17 "In the Bavarian Tyrol" (color) EXT, buildings in Bavarian village. Men in traditional Bavarian dress. Decorated maypole for a folk ceremony with swastika symbols at the top. Street scenes, local shops. Hotel Alte Post (Anton Preisinger guest house) in Oberammergau. Bicycles. (changes back to black and white) Group of Hitler Youth with b...

  12. R.C. Slater collection

    Contains a booklet, liberation photographs, and combat images belonging to a soldier named R.C. Slater, who later gave the materials to the donor.

  13. Historical Committee of the Temporary Social Insurance Board in Warsaw Komisja Historyczna Tymczasowej Rady Zakladu Ubezpieczeń Społecznych w Warszawie (Sygn.158)

    Questionnaires and analyses of the Historical Committee of the Temporary Social Insurance Board in Warsaw. The Committee conducted special surveys directed to insurance workers. The collection contains the responses of the insurance workers to the questionnaire on the fate and activity of social insurance during the occupation and its summary and analyses. Answers to the questionnaire concern the following data: place of work and the position of the author of the answer; organizational changes in insurance investments; staffing; healthcare; property and financial matters. Included are worke...

  14. Office of the Chief Representative of the Government of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic for the Repatriation of Polish Citizens From the Territory of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic to Poland

    Records of the special office established by the Soviet and Polish Governments for the resettlement of ethnic Poles from the territory of Ukraine after WWII. It includes registry of documents submitted by the Polish citizens who were evacuated from Ukraine, lists of evacuees compiled by the district and region, orders and directives of the Soviet Government agencies related to the evacuation of Polish citizens, correspondence between the Office of the Chief Representative and various Soviet Government agencies concerning the evacuation of Polish citizens.

  15. Selected records from the Marijampolė Branch County Archives in Lithuania related to restitution of Jewish property

    Records of the county State Notary and Taxation Offices in Marijampolė and Šakiai related to the restitution and inheritance of the individual and communal Jewish property after World War II.

  16. Selected records of the Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Legations of the Polish Republic : Polish Diplomatic Legation in Vienna Poselstwo Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Wiedniu (Sygn. 453)

    Reports, studies, and other materials related to the condition of national minorities in Poland and beyond Poland, including Ukrainians and Polish Jews. Also includes materials about antisemitic riots, quotas at universities, activities of antisemitic organizations, condition of refugees and internees, as well as social relief for them organized by the Polish and International Red Cross. Other selected materials concern ritual slaughter, allowances for Jews, taking care of Polish citizens in Switzerland, passport documentation, as well as correspondence related to searching for individuals ...

  17. Look at this note: Who guarnatees it? Nobody? Poster denouncing Allied Military currency

    French propaganda leaflet denouncing the currency issued by the Allied Military Government of Occupied Territories (AMGOT). The currency was issued by the United States to soldiers for use after D-Day. It was denounced as counterfeit by General de Gaulle and the leaflet calls it a Jewish scam. The Allies soon halted distribution and recognized the legitmacy of the Provisional Government of the French Republic.

  18. Fred Davis Johnson collection

    Contains photographs taken post liberation of Dachau concentration camp in Germany. Images depict Nazi atrocities, dead strewn about, in rail cars, survivors wandering about in camp; and Nazi guards who were killed by their victims or American troops. Most photographs inscribed with descriptions on reverse by donor’s father Fred Davis Johnson, a sergeant attached to the Third Army. Included are a few images taken by and/or processed by Germans and appear to be mug shots. Also includes a confession of Franz Ziereis, commandant of Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria, as told to survivor ...

  19. Reiter family photographs

    Photographs; depicting members of the Reiter family (donor’s maternal family), from Tyśmienica, 12 km east of Stanisławów; the matriarch of the family, Freyda Reiter, b. c. 1860 perished in the Holocaust. The oldest daughter of Freyda, Rose Reiter, immigrated to the US in 1902; four years later Rose went to visit her family and brought over her youngest brother, Samuel (donor’s maternal grandfather). One nephew of Rose and Samuel, son of Regina Reiter Vogel and her husband Israel Vogel, Salomon or Salo, graduated from medical school in Prague, Czechoslovakia and managed to immigrate to the ...

  20. William Rosenwald Family Association selected records

    The collection contains affidavits, correspondence, reports, financial documents, and similar materials documenting the philanthropic activities of the children of late Sears, Roebuck and Company president Julius Rosenwald. Referred to as the “German Relatives Program,” their activities enabled numerous members of the Rosenwald and Nussbaum families, members of their extended relatives, and numerous others emigrate from Germany and escape anti-Semitic persecution in the late 1930s. The records also document the financial and other material support provided by the project to those whom they ...