Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 7,301 to 7,320 of 58,959
  1. Irene Borchardt collection

    Contains documents and correspondence regarding the experiences of Irene Borchardt, born January 31, 1929 in Berlin, Germany. Irene was able to immigrate from Berlin to the United Kingdom in 1939. Includes letters from her family [mother Franziska, sister Lilli, father Jaques, brother Helmut]; to Mrs. Shaxson, with whom Irene lived in England; and to aid organizations from Franziska asking for help getting Lilli out of Germany. Includes a Red Cross letter dated October 14, 1942 from Franziska to Irene stating “I am going with Lilli to Papa and Helmut. Stay healthy and brave. God will receiv...

  2. Selected records of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare in Warsaw Ministerstwo Pracy i Opieki Społecznej w Warszawie (Sygn.402)

    Plans,reports, minutes, applications, circulars, correspondence related to assistance to war invalids, relief of daily life, training and employment, physical rehabilitation, distribution of help to war victims, distribution of gifts of Jeannette Hove from England. Includes registers and statistics of disabled war veterans organized by cities.

  3. Displaced persons camp; tattoo numbers

    Young men (displaced persons) crowded on benches outdoors, pan and CUs, at unknown DP camp location. Baby in a carriage. 01:12:44 DPs display the numbers tattooed on their forearms from the Nazi concentration camps. Women sit on a bench and knit. A young man washes his feet under a faucet. Waking on a path. Large group of people stand beneath a castle. CUs, scar on the leg of a man, presumably a result of labor during the Holocaust. Palace grounds. More CUs, portraits of displaced people. A young girl holds a puppy. The group lines up in rows in the courtyard, lowering a Zionist flag.

  4. Collection of German prints Zbiór druków niemieckich (Sygn. 122)

    Posters, brochures, and leaflets issued by the German authorities during their occupation of Poland during World War II. Directed at the Polish population, these materials instructed residents about their obligations during the occupation, such as calling on Poles to lay down their arms, and also includes the ultimatums for the people of the city of Warsaw, the call to leave Warsaw, etc.

  5. Asher Antal family photographs

    Contains photographs depicting the Asher Antal family from Szeged, Hungary, who survived in Budapest under a false name (Antal). Lili Antal (Asher), donors’ mother, b. 3/3/1922; her sister Judit Judka, b. 1925 and their parents: Joši Josef and Miriam. Asher Antal acquired false papers, which enabled them to survive. Sandu Israel Züssmann, donors’ father and his four sisters came to Palestine from Târgu Neamț, Romania in 1939. Two of the photographs are from Zduńska Wola in Poland, and depict Menashe Glassberg, married to Sali Züssmann Glassberg, Sandu’s sister. Includes a photo album given ...

  6. Visiting Oberammergau

    “OBERAMMERGAU” St. Peter and Paul Church in Oberammergau. World War I memorial. People seated at a restaurant. The inscription on the side of the memorial pillar. Other activities in town center. Bavarian-style buildings, people dining, crowded streets.

  7. Otto and Régine Heim papers Nachlass Otto H. und Régine Heim (1896-1978/1907-2004)

    Private papers of Otto Heim (1896-1978) and Régine Heim (1907-2004), a Jewish Swiss aid worker for Jewish refugees. The collection consists of biographical documents as a marriage certificate, testimonies, speeches at private and family occasions, among others, the speech on 70th birthday of Otto H. Heim, the farewell address of Edi Braunschweig, the report on a trip to Israel 1950, documents on the family history of Otto Heim and his wife Régine Fraydenraich [Freidenreich]; articles, essays, among others: "The confessional and national structure of the population of Switzerland"; a speech ...

  8. Zigmas Jonynas collection

    Manuscript: incomplete, written by Zigmas Jonyas (donor’s father) about his life, includes one page about the destruction of Jews in Lithuania and a photocopy of that page. Includes biographical information, correspondence, clippings, and photographs about and relating to Zigmas Jonynas.

  9. Aron and Rosa Goldstein collection

    Contains documents and correspondence illustrating the experiences of Aron and Rosa Goldstein (donor's grandparents) during World War II, and afterwards in Cremona, Italy, where they were married.

  10. Sephardic school for children in Kastoria

    Man and woman stand near a sign that says “Hello America - This the school of Kastoria speaking to you everyone send you their love.” Sam Elias poses with the sign. Another sign in Ladino [names of the members of the Community Council]. Victor Hazan shakes teacher’s hands in the courtyard of the school. Rabbi Mevorah (bearded man). Students march in a circle in the courtyard. Victor Hazan gives chocolate to the children. Lena Elias and Rita among group of schoolchildren; Beni Russo. Children stand in a line, pushing one another, march in a circle again. Victor Hazan gives out more chocolate...

  11. Oral history interview with Carl Groth

  12. Jewish Women's Association Zürich Archive Israelitischer Frauenverein Zürich Archiv

    Records of the Israeli Women's Association (Israelitische Frauenverein Zürich, IFZ): Statutes, minutes of the Board of Directors and the General Assembly, minutes of the meetings of the Children's home in Heiden, reference files handwritten by the association's presidents: Berty Guggenheim-Wyler, Sonja Weintraub, Myrthe Dreyfuss, correspondence and people dossiers relating to the care for children’s home, refugees, the poor, child and youth welfare, debt recovery of the Kinderheims Wartheim in Heiden, newspaper and magazine articles on the IFZ and Kinderheim Wartheim, photos, and delivery n...

  13. Georges Brunschvig papers Nachlass Dr. iur. Georges Brunschvig (1908-1973)

    Private papers of Georges Brunschvig (1908-1973), Swiss lawyer and president of the Swiss Federation of Jewish Communities (SIG). The collection consists of memories, correspondence of Georges Brunschvig’s parents Selma and Henri Brunschvig (1914-1918), obituaries, diaries and brief notes (1934-1973); trial documents: Bern Trial concerning the "Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion" (1933-1935), Chur Trial against David Frankfurter (1936-1945), trial against Maria Popesco (1946-1955), trial against Max Ulrich (1957), Yosef Ben-Gal Trial (1963), El-Al-Trial (1969) against Mordechai Rachamim; pap...

  14. Fred Stern collection

    The Fred Stern collection consists of one letter (V-mail) and one photograph pertaining Pvt. Fred Stern's service with the 327th Engineer Combat Battalion, 102nd Infantry Division. The letter was sent to his sister Mollie Bruh (née Stern) in May 1945. The letter relates the German atrocities witnessed by Stern, specifically the Gardelegen Massacre and its aftermath. The photograph depicts the corpses of Dachau concentration camp victims.

  15. Selected records from Vilnius Regional State Archives in Lithuania related to restitution of Jewish property after WWII

    Records of the County People's Court related to the restitution and inheritance of the individual and communal Jewish property located in the Vilnius county, Lithuania after World War II.

  16. Mendel and Rachel Zehnwirth papers

    Contains correspondence and documents related to obtaining an immigration visa to the United States for Mendel and Rachel Zehnwirth, dated 1946-1947. Among the documents is a letter signed by the secretary of Va'ad Ha'Hatzala, Rabbi Ya'akov Karlinski; a letter by Rabbi Shmuel Shechter; and letters sent to government officials by relatives of the couple, citizens of the USA, describing the couple's financial situation and their concern for relatives who had survived the Holocaust.

  17. Fragebogen

    Fragebogen (questionnaire); completed by Jakub Wajnsztok, in Warsaw, Poland, dated 1941. The questionnaire, dated June 9, states that Jakub is a dental technician, born February 18, 1888 in Warsaw. Questionnaire bears photographs and stamped at top center “[Star of David] JUDE [Star of David]." German and Polish printed form and Polish inscriptions.

  18. Certificate from Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the American Occupied Zone in Germany

    Contains a certificate presented by the Central Committee of Liberated Jews in the American Occupied Zone in Germany to Judge Lowental, the Jewish Affairs Advisor of the Commander of the Army, December 25, 1947, reading in part: "To our friend Judge Lowental, the Jewish Affairs Advisor of the Commander of the Army of the American occupied zone of Germany. A gift given as a symbol of friendship and gratitude for his fertile and devoted work for She'erit Ha'Pletah in Germany..." Signed by the members of the committee, including David Trager, President of the Central Committee of Liberated Jew...

  19. Erika Ziemlichova collection

    Contains an autograph (“Poesie”) book that belonged to Erika Ziemlichova (donor’s mother, later Erika Campbell), born in Krnov, Czechoslovakia, who was sent by her parents in 1939 to stay with relatives in Guatemala City. Erika was not successful in her attempts to bring her parents and younger sister to join her in Guatemala. The book includes inscriptions, signatures, inserted notes, loose pages and a cut out illustration. The collection also includes a memoir entitled "Something of Myself" written by Erika Campbell; 10 pages; typed; recollecting her departure from Czechoslovakia, brief s...